Courting both blasphemy and inhumanity
How the heck did Christianity ever get started? Sure, it's the big kid on the block right now, and it's really easy to be part of the team when it's winning, but what about back in the day? Back when you could count the year with two digits the Christians were getting fed to the lions on a daily basis in Rome. That's got to be a bit of a hinderance to the recruiting process. Plus, it was a religion that got it's founding base from the poor and destitute, and at the time they figured the second coming would be a whole heck of a lot sooner that it has turned out to be.
Think about it. You're walking around in Rome, and a smelly, bearded man comes up to you and says:
Hi! My name is Roger, and I'm with the Christians - a religion of love and peace. You may have heard of us from our frequent appearances in the coloseum versus the lions. Today we're offering you a membership into our religion for the one-time-only fee of your worldly posessions. Included in this package is an eternity in paradise after you die, the excellent chance of crucifixion or death in the jaws of an angry beast, and if you're very lucky you will survive long enough to see the return of our Lord who will destroy the world with fire!
Well shit... sign me right up!
The Jews had an even better pitch. Forced labour on the pyramids, slavery and percecution wherever you go, and you get your foreskin cut off. This is an offer you just can't refuse. I guess signing up for Christianity wasn't so bad if this is what you were coming from. It would be more of a lateral transition.
I'm only speculating on this because the Falun Gong are protesting downtown again. Apparently the Chinese government is still killing and torturing them. To all my readers in the Falun Gong, chin up! Things sure might look bad right now, but if history is any judge things should really be turning around for you in the next couple hundred years.
Think about it. You're walking around in Rome, and a smelly, bearded man comes up to you and says:
Hi! My name is Roger, and I'm with the Christians - a religion of love and peace. You may have heard of us from our frequent appearances in the coloseum versus the lions. Today we're offering you a membership into our religion for the one-time-only fee of your worldly posessions. Included in this package is an eternity in paradise after you die, the excellent chance of crucifixion or death in the jaws of an angry beast, and if you're very lucky you will survive long enough to see the return of our Lord who will destroy the world with fire!
Well shit... sign me right up!
The Jews had an even better pitch. Forced labour on the pyramids, slavery and percecution wherever you go, and you get your foreskin cut off. This is an offer you just can't refuse. I guess signing up for Christianity wasn't so bad if this is what you were coming from. It would be more of a lateral transition.
I'm only speculating on this because the Falun Gong are protesting downtown again. Apparently the Chinese government is still killing and torturing them. To all my readers in the Falun Gong, chin up! Things sure might look bad right now, but if history is any judge things should really be turning around for you in the next couple hundred years.
100 - 200 years or so???
HMnn more likely the next few years at a max. So the more people that position themselves against what the communist regime is doing the better for all of humankind.
Check this site out so far over 18 million Chinese people have resigned from the communist regime thats about 2o-30,000 per day.
The evil regimes days are numbered and that means its time for people to wake up and make a choice. A battle between Good and evil is taking place on the planet. So I ask everyone which side are you on?
Evan... Three letters... J C S... check it out...
Evan and Bobby alias anon , check this news out.
It has brought to my attention a person calling himself Bobby Fletcher is posting comments to many blogs - I estimate over 100 trying to discredit the Kilgour/Matas report.
I highly suspect Bobby Fletcher, who in one blog denies he is Chinese, is part of China’s United Front Works Department, which is at the heart of China’s intelligence operations, which I briefly describe below.
I have just spent a couple of hours collecting his comments from the
various blogs and reading his own blogs, which you will find
Bobby who refers to living in Seattle, also uses two other aliases
Charles Liu and Sunday Service and he has five blogs of his own.
I honestly got tired scanning 100 web sites, but I am sure researchers could find many more.
Bobby needs to be exposed as he truly represents the deceptive tactics used by Communist China to spread disinformation.
I think Bobby Fletcher AKA Charles Liu AKA Sunday Service AKA (fill in the blanks) needs to be outed, as although his lies are seen through by many, he will still create doubts in the minds of others many others and that is part of the tactics of the United Front Works Department - playing percentage games.
One only has to look at how tens of millions believed in Mao to know
these techniques work.
Incidentally you will notice that he also has a web site that the
Tiananmen Square massacre did not happen.
and has a site devoted to inciting hatred against Falun Gong at
Highlights of the United Front Works Department
The first words in Mao’s Analysis of the Classes in Chinese Society
written in 1926 begins:
Who are our enemies? Who are our friends?
This simple idea laid the foundation for the heart of China’s
intelligence operations known as political action work or political
work. In China it became known as the United Front Work whose
deceptive strategy is designed to win the support of non¬Party
“friends” and to isolate and destroy “enemies.” Deception is a key
part of their strategy.
Chinese United Front Works Department are usually involved in letter
writing campaigns and insight groups to complain about ‘racist’remarks against the Chinese which often makes Western media fearful of offending the ethnic Chinese population and hence do not write articles that are negative about China.
Again its a simple idea, but it works and once one becomes aware of
it, one sees it in operation all the time.
Most of China’s intelligence activities abroad are legal. That is why
they are so successful. But, most governments are completely ignorant
about how Chinese intelligence operates.
China’s United Front strategy is based upon “co-opting whosoever can
be co-opted and isolating your enemy.”
Falun Gong is clearly seen as an enemy by the Chinese communist regime which it has isolated since 1999.
So the campaign is on to discredit the report on organ harvesting and create doubts about its credibility. And of course they continue their misinformation campaign about the Falun Gong.
A friend who is a journalist in Quebec has sent me a number of
comments in blogs that show to me that the United Front Works Department is probably in operation there as well, as seeds are sown to discredit the report. Trying to defend the report, she is now being attacked!
Have journalists been co-opted? It would be naive to think otherwise.
I have spent many hours over many days trying to help Bobby /Charles to see the error of his ways/. Bobby even found my private email and began sending me propaganda about Falun Gong as Charles Lui from Seattle.
There are 80,000 internet spies employed by the most repressive evil regime on the planet. Bobby is but one of them.
Actually, hun, no Christians were recorded as being killed in the Colosseum. They weren't important enough to warrant a public slaughter in an arena of that size. Circus Maximus though, that's a different story.
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